Sunday, September 29, 2013

Technology can Stay as Long as it Doesn't take Away!

Technology has impacted the art world in several different ways that have changed the art community over the years. Technology such as photography , film and now computers along with the many programs created to now manufacture” art”  have allowed more people to tap into their creative endeavors. Not only has it opened new doors in forms of creative expression but also opened up opportunities in the ways artist can promote and share their art, as well as allow others to have complete access to the art world.
 The developments of technology in the art world have both negative and positive aspects. Although these technologies have contributed to great works of art as well as allowing more to become creatively inspired, the mass production of art brings many questions to the table. Does mass production take away from arts originality? Does mass production take away from the value of art? Does mass production make art too commercialized, and is it still considered art then?  Will these technologies get rid of traditional forms of art? As for social networking and exposure it can be very beneficial to arts in gaining fans and buyers to help support their artistic endeavors. On the other hand if an artist is not familiar with technology it can be also can be detrimental with total access to these artists artworks people art able to rip them off for free or claim them as their own if watermarks or sometime of protection is applied. However it is wonderful that everyone has access to all types of artwork online and can become more cultured in the arts. But on the other hand is this the way people should experience art?  I feel personally experiencing art first hand is important because one cannot get a total sense of the size, materials, and details of the works of art. Standing next to an enormous painting or sculpture and being able to see the texture and detail can be a breath taking experience that one cannot obtain from looking at a picture online. Although we live in the age of technology we still live in a materialistic and tangible world and observing and experiencing are main components of life. Surfing the web and viewing things online I feel is a superficial experience, just as online socializing, and like the previous video I have posted on my blog not everything made to be true is true online. So in the future I hope that viewing art online never replaces museums and galleries because then the art world would be changed forever!
Art for me is a very emotional and sentimental thing that is used to communicate thoughts feelings and experience I may have encountered in my life. So to contribute these artworks into the world for others to see and experience my work is an important part of creating. Not only do I do it for myself but for other to form opinions on and hate or love them. So to take that factor away from the artist is unfair and defeats the purpose.

Technology can stay as long as it doesn't take away!:-}

Sunday, September 22, 2013

State Farm® - State of Disbelief (They can't lie on the Internet!)

Thought this was funny and relavant for this class!

Interactivity #1: Technology as Autobiography

We live in the age of technology, where it is almost impossible to imagine life without our laptops, smartphones, and complete access to the Internet at all times. These elements that were once luxuries have now become necessities, which has opened new doors and enhanced chances for growth and opportunity in all areas of life. What seems to be a blessing can also be a curse. With unlimited access to the Internet for anyone, I feel that the boundary lines become blurred, and people tend to forget the dangers of this complete and utter freedom on the Web while also crippling personal social contact.

Personally three technologies that have greatly impacted my life for both the better and worse are my laptop, smartphone, and unlimited access to the Internet.
When I received my first laptop I was excited to have my own personal computer. I was even excited to write papers for school on it, save pictures, play games, and take advantage of all it had to offer! So my excitement of the ownership of this new laptop made it fun and exciting at first to write papers for classes and have everything at my fingertips. Later I began to stray away and become frustrated with all of the technical problems that I was not able to fix. The computer became sluggish and made me want to avoid using it at all costs. Which is one of the main reason I am not 100% for technology, it eventually fails, sometimes when you need it the most.

At first I was extremely hesitant to trade in my older phone for a smartphone, but once I switched I felt like there was no turning back. The convenience of having such a phone that can help me multitask, organize, and accomplish almost any task with ease, made assignments for school, work, and pleasure more manageable. Having my smartphone on hand helps me to receive and retain correct information as long as you know reliable sources. I also enjoy taking photos on my phone to please my artistic side. On the negative side I have realized a dependency to my smartphone as I have also noticed other peers with the same problem. For example when my phone is about to die it feels as if I have become completely detached from all communication and anxiety sets in. I have also lost my phone before and it was actually somewhat of a relief. Once I was without the phone for several days, I actually felt slightly more relaxed and unobligated to have to answer or contact anyone.

The Internet I feel is the most influential advancement that has changed not only the way I learn but a majority of the population since it has been so ingrained into our daily lives. The two technologies I have listed above would not be nearly as useful with out the creation of the Internet. Without it we would not have any social network sites, which I regularly use for school, branching out with art, finding new interests, and keeping in touch with friends. The Internet gives me unlimited access to any information I may need and with ease. This makes research, networking, and maintaining a social life all manageable. But on the other hand like I stated before slightly overwhelming at times. Also there are many dangers online, with giving out information and what one puts out there for the world to see and obtain. It also decreases personal contact and social skills. While also creating the need to obtain everything faster and easier and creates qualities such as impatient and lazy.

I compared the way in which I use these three influential technologies and the way the young people in the video use them, and discovered several similarities and differences. Some of the similarities were social networking, finding interests, and finding information. Some differences though were that many of these students made it seem as if they would be lost without some of these technologies but also inspires them and helped them to learn languages, create art, and make websites. These younger people have grown up with this technology though and I feel it is a staple in their education that can be used for the good as long as it is used for the correct reason.