Sunday, October 6, 2013

Art = Technology =Art

Technology has not changed art but simply added a medium, as well as another vehicle that can be used to help the outlet of creativity and self-expression. Technology also acts as an aid in the production of older methods of art such as painting, sculpting, and drawing. The advancement of photography aids in capturing a scene or a moment in time, which if desired can be transformed into another medium by providing the visual reference. Photography has also taken claim of its own artistic medium category. This can help others express themselves even if the may not be artistically inclined in drawing, painting, or sculpting. The more options people have for self-expression the better, because every one has an equal opportunity to tap into their creative side. This will only further help to advocate for the arts as an important subject in education. Art can help one to discover individual interest and become more aware of the world. This can be achieved through investigation of various topics and philosophical inquiry on global issues and think outside of the box. Art was considered a desirable subject when the U.S. was competing in the space race with Russia. Art showed it promoted critical thinking and was what was missing from education. So in someway art and technology have very similar qualities. Art is created based on knowledge and feelings one has that are investigated through various mediums and constant invention that can either be useful or not. Where technology is created based on scientific knowledge that is created for a practical purpose. So really technology and art aid and influence each other in literal ways but also in innovative ways. Technology will benefit art as long as it does not become the only way to create art or take away from the skills that artists have had to develop over many years.


  1. I personally have parallel ideas in regards to Art and Technology, in a sense I think that because technology is adding mediums to artistic expression, it is extending an array of options that we can resort to achieve and materialize an idea.
    Sometimes I feel that I should move into graphic design entirely and leave the palette and brushes, but I enjoy the traditional art, moreover I think that people still appreciate the human touch, the thought invested and the slow paced process, the tactile connection and the commitment of an artist

  2. "Photography has also taken claim of its own artistic medium category. This can help others express themselves even if the may not be artistically inclined in drawing, painting, or sculpting." You hit it on the nail with your previous statement. Photography can capture a moment faster than pen or pencil.
