Saturday, October 5, 2013

History of Technology in Art.

Pencils, keeping creativity alive now and forever in every classroom since the 1900's!


  1. Hi Shannon! I love this picture that i'm assuming you drew! Your caption describes clearly what the pencil has meant for you. I remember a teacher of mine would say "ok everybody, get out your Ticonderoga!" That was just her fancy way of saying get your pencils. It would be interesting if, as an art teacher, you gave a lesson or mini-lesson on the history of the pencil. I can tell you that I know almost nothing about what the history is. If you are teaching art to students, it makes sense for you to go into some detail as to what sort of materials there are. I know that in my lessons there will be some talk of the different instruments. How would you teach the history of the pencil? Would you bring in a bunch of different pencils and have the kids try them out? Interesting stuff for sure!

  2. Shannon, what an amazing picture! I believe pencils are important to every field, but they are EXTREMELY important to Art. I think everyone needs a pencil in their education career, you cannot go without one! I agree with Matthew, it would be interesting if you gave a lesson about the pencil, to let students know what type of power they have over a tiny piece of wood. It would be too awesome!

  3. I love you caption, to this day the pencil is one of the most important things in the art classroom(I think!). I think this because when drawing it is done in pencil first incase of a mistake. Pencil is also used for doodling and creating drawings. The pencil is important every where in life, not only art. Pencil is one of the most important tools in math also, because in math you make many mistakes and you need to be able to erase them and try again.

  4. The pencil can be used for many things, and that's something technology cannot replace. I use pencils to sketch ideas from my mind and bring it to reality. Using pencil is good for motor skills aka hand eye coordination.

  5. So true! Even though technology is ever growing and ever changing in this world, pencils will remain a major tool in art education. Pencils are cheap, and a necessary drawing tool. Also, students carry pencils and pens with them everywhere for school. So long as they have those tools on them, they can draw and express themselves through art form any time, anywhere.
